Exhibition Space
van Kyncl (1953–2004) was a Czech-born photographer who captured over five hundred plays, operas and musicals throughout his career. Arriving in the UK as a political refugee in 1980, Kyncl went on to become one of the country’s most in-demand and revered theatre photographers.
Having never worked professionally in the theatre, Kyncl brought a fresh approach. Rather than taking the customary static press shots from the auditorium, he roamed the space, from balcony to backstage and stalls to stage, winning the trust and respect of the industry with his dynamic perspectives.
In Prague, Kyncl had photographed politically sensitive plays performed in the secret ‘living-room theatre’ of blacklisted actress Vlasta Chramostová and documented the activities of Czechoslovakia’s Charta 77 anti-communist opposition. After a series of ad-hoc commissions in London, including work for Harold Pinter, it was his rehearsal images for a play by Czech dissident (and later President) Václav Havel that earned Kyncl his first significant job – with the Royal Shakespeare Company.
Through 60 productions – one for every second of a minute – this display celebrates Kyncl’s unique ability to capture the essence, atmosphere and emotion of being in the moment or, as he liked to term it, ‘in the minute.’
All welcome, no booking necessary.

© Ivan Kyncl