Honorary Fellowships of Royal Holloway, University of London are awarded to people who have shown loyalty and commitment to the University.
Honorary Fellows
Honorary Fellows are not staff or students of the University, but are an active part of our community. They are people who have given considerable service to Royal Holloway, our local community, or to education more broadly and all of them have achieved in their careers, at the University, locally, nationally or on the world stage. We value our Honorary Fellows' specialist knowledge or expertise, their willingness to share this with the University community in some way in order to contribute to our future success, or the support they have already given and the part they have played in making us the successful and vibrant university we are today.
Honorary Fellowships are awarded to people who have an existing connection to Royal Holloway, University of London – this may be as alumni of the University, or the colleges from which we trace our history, Bedford College and Royal Holloway College. Honorary Fellows may also be individuals with a strong local connection, or supporters and enablers of the University’s strategic priorities.
The Honorary Fellows Ceremony
Unlike Honorary Degrees, which are awarded at graduation ceremonies, Honorary Fellowships are awarded at a special ceremony in the summer term. Every year we invite all of our Honorary Fellows, honorary graduates and members of the university community to join us to welcome new Honorary Fellows. A citation for each of the new Honorary Fellows, outlining their special contribution to Royal Holloway, is read by an academic member of staff and one of the Honorary Fellows is invited to speak on behalf of the new Honorary Fellows. Following the ceremony, Honorary Fellows are joined by other guests and staff for a celebration.
Many of our Honorary Fellows return each year, processing into the ceremony in their striking purple and green Honorary Fellows gowns. Taken from the colours of Bedford College, the purple and green are a reminder to everyone present of the pioneering history of both Bedford and Royal Holloway Colleges, two of the first colleges in the world providing higher education to women.
Roll of Honorary Fellows of Royal Holloway, University of London
- Kate Adie CBE DL
- Surinder Arora
- The Rt Hon The Baroness Ashton of Upholland GCMG
- The Rt Hon The Baroness Bakewell DBE
- His Honour Brian Barker CBE QC
- Professor Caroline Barron OBE
- Tony Bathews
- Professor Philip Beesley
- David Beever
- Professor Henry Beker
- Professor Derek Blundell
- Sir Drummond Bone FRSE FRSA
- Professor Peter Bramley
- Professor Jacky Bratton
- Professor Jane Broadbent
- Professor Peter Brown FBA
- The Revd Dr Arnold Browne
- Preston Bryant Jr
- Susan Bullock CBE
- Sir Andrew Burns KCMG
- Rob Childs
- Lady Kitty Chisholm FRSA
- Sophie Christiansen CBE
- Donald Clarke
- Professor Sir Ronald Cooke FRGS DL
- Sir Peter Crane FRS
- Dr Claire Gobbi Daunton
- Máire Davies
- Professor Bruce deGrazia
- Dame Judi Dench CH DBE FRSA
- Professor David Denney
- Julia Desbruslais
- James Dixon
- Professor Gavin Drewry
- The Rt Hon The Lord Etherton Kt PC KC
- Professor Michael Eysenck
- Professor Dame Janet Finch DBE DL FAcSS
- Nick Firth
- The Baroness Fookes of Plymouth DBE DL
- Professor Mary Fowler FRAS FGS FRCGS
- Sarah Fox
- Jennifer Glastonbury
- Dame Sarah Goad DCVO
- Professor Norman Gowar
- Emeitus Professor Mike Green
- Janice Hadlow
- The Very Revd Father Robert Hamilton
- Dr Richard Hancock MBE
- Kitty Hart-Moxon OBE
- Majid Hawa
- The Lady Heseltine
- Dame Olwen Hufton DBE FBA FRHistS
- Simon Hughes
- Vanessa Kingori OBE
- Dr Pirkko Koppinen
- The Rt Hon Sir David Latham PC
- Professor Paul Layzell CBE
- Anastasios Paul Leventis CBE OFR
- Edmée Leventis OBE
- Jason Lewis
- Dame Felicity Lott DBE FRAM FRCM
- Prakriti Malhotra
- Professor Ursula Martin CBE
- Sir Brian May CBE
- Jeremy McIlroy
- Mike Miller
- Dr Alan Mills
- Professor Moreton Moore
- Yazan Mufti
- Dr Mark Nesbitt
- Dinah Nichols CB
- Father Vlad Nikiforov
- Kit Oliver OBE DL
- Sir Andrew Parmley KStJ
- Professor Lionel Pike FRCO
- Dr John Prebble
- Dr Alice Prochaska FRHistS
- Helene Raynsford
- Sir Alec Reed CBE FCMA FCIPD
- Bridget Riley CH CBE
- Professor Francis Robinson CBE
- Professor Jim Rose
- Iain Ross
- Jane Ross
- Martin Sadler OBE
- Bobby Seagull
- The Hon Lavinia Sealy DL
- The Hon Raymond G H Seitz
- Brian Smethurst
- Kyriaki Spanou
- Ann Steptoe
- Dr Doron Swade MBE
- Joby Talbot
- Anna Templeton MBE
- Professor Jennifer Thomas CBE
- Dr Simon Thurley CBE FSA FRIBA FRHistS
- Pat Toms
- Sarah Tyacke CB FSA FRHistS FRGS
- Dr Klaus Vedder
- Professor Bernie Vining
- Adrian Waddingham CBE
- Dame Judith Weir DBE HonFRSE
- Francis Wheen
- Fiona Wilkinson FCA
- Caroline Willbourne
- Richard Williams
- Tim Williams
- Geoff Woodger
- Peter Worth
- Roger Wright CBE
- Professor Euh Yoon-Dae

Vanessa Kingori OBE, Chief Business Officer, Condé Nast Britain, honorary fellow and alumna