A group of leading international migration experts, including those from Royal Holloway, have won backing from the UK government’s science and research funding agency to explore how South-South migration is affecting inequality and development in less developed countries.
The South-South Migration, Inequality and Development Hub won funding for the five-year project under the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) call to establish interdisciplinary research Hubs addressing complex global challenges.
The recipients of the awards were announced on 10th December 2018.
Dr G. Hari Harindranath, School of Management, and member of the UNESCO Chair in ICT4D and Professor Tim Unwin, Department of Geography and Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in ICT4D, both from Royal Holloway, are among the experts who, as part of the Hub, will investigate how South-South migration contributes to the delivery of UN Sustainable Development Goals such as ending poverty and reducing inequality.