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Why product placement could replace the more traditional TV advert in the UK

Why product placement could become the new TV advert

  • Date30 May 2024

Professor of Marketing Chris Hackley, looks into the history of product placement deals in UK TV, discussing how the changing landscape of TV viewership might see these replace the traditional TV advert

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ITV’s soap opera ‘Coronation Street’ has just signed a sponsorship and product placement deal with Sainsbury’s and Argos, which will see the brand pop up in the background of the character’s lives. In his latest article in The Conversation, Professor of Marketing Chris Hackley explores the concept of the product placement and the reasons why this could become more commonplace as regular TV advertising declines. 
Written alongside Senior Lecturer in Marketing , Birkbeck, University of London, Dr Rungpaka Amy Hackley, the article discusses their research into TV product placement, exploring its history, as well as the recent regulatory changes in the UK that allow broadcasters to financially benefit from agreements to feature brands. Examining the changing nature of the TV audience, the article outlines why brands might be looking to explore product placement sponsorship deals instead of using costly TV advertisements which are being seen by fewer and fewer people.

The article can be read in full on The conversation website here.

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