The Department is committed to equality and diversity, and encourages applications from all sections of the world-wide community.
In particular:
- We hold an Athena SWAN Bronze Award in recognition of the actions that we take to promote equality and diversity.
- We try to ensure that shortlisting and interview panels are as diverse as possible; they will have at least one female member of staff.
- Personal information on gender, race and religion is not made available to panel members; we advise applicants not to include personal information of that kind in their CVs.
- Panel members will have been trained in Equality & Diversity as well as Unconscious Bias.
- During their visit to the University, shortlisted candidates are given the opportunity to have informal meetings with several members of staff with whom they can discuss aspects of life in the Department, the University or the UK.
All vacancies are advertised on the Vacancies web page.
You are welcome to contact the Head of Department for any informal discussion.
Getting into academia
We recognise that departments such as ours can be very competitive and typically require an excellent publication record that can only be achieved through post-doctoral experience.
There are several opportunities for young computer scientists to gather that experience through fellowships, some of which can lead to a permanent position. These include:
- Royal Society University Research Fellowships
- Royal Society Newton International Fellowships
- EPSRC Fellowships
- Leverhulme Trust Fellowships
We encourage bright and promising post-docs to apply and support them through their application. If you are interested, feel free to approach the academic who is closest to your research interests or contact the Head of Department.