Displaying 1 to 10 of 11

Call for Papers: CVS Colloquium 2020
Royal Holloway’s Centre for Victorian Studies welcomes proposals for the annual London Victorian Studies Colloquium, to be held on 24th-25th April 2020 in the beautiful surroundings of the college.

Call for Papers: The London Victorian Studies Colloquium
Call for Papers: The London Victorian Studies Colloquium

Centre for Victorian Studies Seminar: “Strange Friends: Literary Encounters with the Enemy”
26 Sept 2019Centre for Victorian Studies Seminar: “Strange Friends: Literary Encounters with the Enemy”
Evening Lecture: ‘St George’s Museum and John Ruskin’s Reconstructive Intelligence’
Dr Marcus Waithe, Magdalene College, Cambridge
Evening Lecture: Dr Jan Marsh (National Portrait Gallery)
‘The Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood: The Untold Story’

Margaret Busby and New Daughters of Africa: a celebration
14 Nov 2019The English Department is proud to host Margaret Busby for this celebration of her achievements, which will include an introduction to Margaret's life and work by Professor Lavinia Greenlaw.
Masterclass: Associate Professor Sukanya Banerjee (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
‘“Nation”, “Home” and “Empire” in Victorian Studies’
Seminar: CVS/Centre for GeoHumanities
‘Customary rights, property and contested belongings in English commons and village greens, 1795-1965’ (Katrina Navickas, University of Hertfordshire)
Seminar: CVS/Centre for GeoHumanities: ‘Provincialism, Multilingualism and the Novel: early nineteenth century migration to South America and Jane Eyre’
Josephine McDonagh, University of Chicago

Symposium: ‘The Frozen Deep: Voices from the Nineteenth-Century Arctic’
A HARI-funded symposium in collaboration with the Centre for Victorian Studies, Royal Holloway; The Art Collections , Royal Holloway; and UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Click here to read the programme.