A public lecture organised by the Centre for Visual Cultures
78th Anniversary Talk by Dr Hilary Potter, Teaching Fellow in German (School of Humanities) and author of Remembering Rosenstrasse: History, Memory and Identity in Contemporary Germany (2018)
The events of that week have become known as the Rosenstrasse Protest and have been remembered, forgotten and re-remembered in Germany over the decades since. Memories of the protest continue to be shaped and this talk takes the 78th anniversary as an occasion to look back over the history of the street, the events, the multiple ways in which they have been remembered, together with aspects that have been forgotten.
This talk, followed by a Q&A, will draw on the idea of the urban palimpsest (Andreas Huyssen) by using a mixture of archive photographs together with Hilary's own photographs of the street and its memorials and those of professional photographer Mark Epstein (Edge Hill University).