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2025 01 10 Seminar

Seminar Spring 2025

  • Date22 Jan 2025 - 30 Apr 2025
  • Time 2pm - 3pm
  • Category Seminar

Spring Term Seminar

The seminars take place on Wednesdays from 2-3 pm during term time in Arts Lecture Theatre 1. They are aimed to appeal to most of our staff and PhD students. They are followed by coffee, tea and biscuits in the McCrea building (next to room 0-08). Most times we will go to dinner afterwards.

Everyone is welcome!

15th January: Zain Kapadia (Queen Mary)

Title: Some Uniserial Specht Modules

Abstract: The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Groups is a classical and rich area of combinatorial representation theory. Key objects of study include Specht modules, the irreducible ordinary representations, which can be reduced modulo p (for p prime). In general, these are no longer irreducible and finding their decomposition numbers and submodule structures are key questions in the area. We give sufficient and necessary conditions for a Specht module in characteristic 2, labelled by a hook partition to be a direct sum of uniserial summands.


22nd January: David Ellis (University of Bristol)

Title: Turan densities for hypercubes and daisies, and related problems

Abstract: The vertex-Turan problem for hypercubes asks: how small a family of vertices F can we take in {0,1}^n, in such a way that F intersects the vertex-set of every d-dimensional subcube? A widely-believed folklore conjecture stated that the minimal measure of such a family is (asymptotically) 1/(d+1), which is attained by taking every (d+1)th layer of the cube. (This was proven in the special case d=2 by Kostochka in 1976, and independently by Johnson and Entringer.) In this talk, we will outline a construction of such a family F with measure at most c^d for an absolute constant c<1, disproving the folklore conjecture in a strong sense. We will explain the connection to Turan questions for 'daisies', and discuss various other widely-believed conjectures, e.g. on forbidden posets, that can be seen to fail due to our construction. Several open problems remain, including the optimal value of c above. Based on joint work with Maria-Romina Ivan and Imre Leader.


5th February 2: Sergey Kitaev (University of Strathclyde)

Title and Abstract: TBD 



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