Preparing to study university mathematics
![Shuffling cats screenshot from video](/media/13827/shuffling-cats-video.jpg)
With less time spent out of the house and more time on your hands indoors, you might be wondering if there is anything useful you could do to prepare for studying mathematics at university.
Professor James McKee has made this short podcast on "How can I prepare for mathematics at university?"
It will give you some hints and tips to help you feel comfortable with starting uni.
Below are easy links to suggestions that Prof McKee makes in the podcast : - Numberphile website
Numberphile on YouTube and in particular The Trinity Hall Prime.
Math Explorer's Club (but check the video before you attempt the first puzzle in the first lesson in the first module)
The NRICH project has one dedicated section on the transition to university
Other suggestions for Maths, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (Year 13 resources page)