Well done to our students who attended this year’s SEPnet placement Expo which took place on Wednesday the 27th of November at the Park Crescent in London.
![2019 12 12 SEPnet Expo Group photo](/media/12308/i-cxbqr5p-x3.jpg)
Inspiring key notes talks from Mahfuj Ali, Senior Associate at Deloitte, talked about his experience as a SEPnet student and career journey to date offering advice and tips to current students and Dame Julia Slingo, who gave an inspiring talk about the important role physics plays in meteorology and her career as a meteorologist and former Chief Scientist at the Met Office. Eleven of our students presented to over 130 fellow students, employers, academics and guests as well as displaying posters of their projects.
Congratulations to Marina Arnaudova (pictured below) of Royal Holloway for winner one of the Poster awards for her work on Disentangling the radio sky with spectra from WEAVE-LOFAR.
Emily Howling (pictured below) was selected to ask a question about the challenges she had faced in the work place as a woman.