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Proposal for a micromechanical qubit based on quantized oscillations in superfluid helium

Proposal for a micromechanical qubit based on quantized oscillations in superfluid helium

  • Date12 Feb 2025
  • Time 15:00 - 16:00
  • Category Seminar

Dr Priya Sharma (Surrey University)

Note: This has been changed to the 12th of Febuary



Electrical circuits with Josephson junctions can be engineered to have quantized energy levels. I will speak about our recent work, proposing a hybrid quantum device, consisting of a superfluid weak link and a mechanical element. The oscillations of the superfluid in this device are quantized with a well-defined resonance frequency, resolvable at milliKelvin temperatures essential to maintaining the superfluid state. I will describe how  the device can be appropriately engineered with appreciable nonlinearity. Hence, this hybrid device can potentially operate as a superfluid quantum bit with very small dimensions and millisecond scale coherence time. I will discuss how the quantum regime is within reach for a range of device designs.  This device potentially realises a novel charge-neutral qubit platform. The scheme also provides a means to realise ground states of mechanical degrees of freedom in the quantum limit.

20250212 Priya Sharma

Explore Royal Holloway