RHUL Psychology PhD student Clare Lally has been awarded a Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) research fellowship.
![Clare Lally - Psychology News](/media/12816/clarelally.jpg)
During her three-month placement, Clare will research, write and publish a POSTnote on online extremism. POSTnotes are brief four-page summaries of public policy issues, which are based upon existing literature and consultations with experts across academia, industry, government and the third sector. During the next three months, Clare will gain first-hand insight into how scientific research informs policy by interviewing stakeholders from a range of backgrounds. She will also attend parliamentary meetings, conferences and debates around her topic. In order to secure the placement, Clare wrote a mock policy briefing and had an interview with representatives from POST, the Scottish Parliament Information Centre, the National Assembly for Wales Research Service and Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service. Clare has spent her first week exploring the Westminster estate, attending Prime Minister’s Question Time and working with parliamentarians to develop the scope of her briefing.
If you have a background related to online extremism and would like to contribute to the POSTnote, please e-mail Clare.
Details of the fellowship scheme can be found here: https://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/offices/bicameral/post/fellowships/
More information about POSTnotes can be found here: https://www.parliament.uk/postnotes