The latest news from the Department of Social Work.
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New research article by Prof Anna Gupta
28 Oct 2022Prof Anna Gupta and co-author Andew Jolly published a new research article in Children & Society.

New publication by Prof. Anna Gupta
28 Oct 2022Prof. Anna Gupta and co-authors Anna Nikupeteri, Merja Laitinen, and Enni Mikkonen published new research in the British Journal of Social Work.

Social Work is now part of the Department of Law and Criminology
01 Aug 2022The academic year 2022-23 brings some exciting changes for Social Work, now part of the Department of Law and Criminology.

REF 2021 news
11 May 2022We are pleased to announce that following the publishing of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 results our research activity has demonstrated significant strength in impact and the value of our multi-disciplinary research base.

3 Student-Nominated Excellence in Teaching and Student Support Awards for Social Work Academics
15 Sept 2021Prof Anna Gupta, Dr Louise O’Connor and Karl Mason proudly receiving highly valued student-nominated School of Law Social Sciences Excellence in Teaching and Student Support Awards

Department of Social Work & West London Teaching Partnership New Projects
15 Sept 2021Each project aims to support and improve professional practice, professional development and social work education across the Partnership.

Thank You to All Our Practice Educators
14 Jun 2021Alix Walton who leads on the MSc in Advanced Practice participated in an event run by the North Central London (NCL) Social Work Education Partnership for social work practice educators.

Conference Attendance by Faculty Members in the Department of Social Work
10 Jun 2021Click here for information on recent research presentations to the European Social Work Research Association Conference and the Joint Social Work Education and Research Conference (JSWEC).

Conversations about Anti-Racism
10 Jun 2021Dr Louise O’Connor was commissioned by a London Youth Offending Service (YOS) to collaboratively develop and deliver workshops facilitating organisation-wide conversations about racism.

Discover Social Science
10 Jun 2021A second successful our taster talk in our Discover Social Science Series took place in June. Karl Mason presented a lively talk on ‘Homelessness-before, during and beyond the Pandemic’.