Accommodation options
Royal Holloway has access to a small number of rooms in Intercollegiate Halls that are owned by the University of London. In addition, support is available for students looking for accommodation in the private sector in London.
Intercollegiate Halls
For 2024/25 intercollegiate accommodation available through Royal Holloway will be in Handel Mansions.
With a limited number of places, intercollegiate accommodation is available on a first-come-first-served basis to full-time postgraduate students only. We are able to accept applications from March to August and the offer of accommodation will be subject to availability.
Private sector accommodation in central London
As we are part of the University of London, Royal Holloway students are able to access support provided by the University of London Housing Services team that offers a range of services to assist and support students who are looking for and living in private rented accommodation in London.
Click here to find out more about the services offered by ULHS