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Royal Holloway International Study Centre (RHISC) Excellence scholarship 2025

Royal Holloway International Study Centre (RHISC) Excellence scholarship 2025

Degree Type Undergraduate & Postgraduate Award Type Scholarship Fee Status Type International
Tuition fee reduction of £3,000 in first year of study for students who are currently studying or have completed an International Foundation Year, International Year 1, or Pre-Masters Programme at Royal Holloway International Study Centre (RHISC).

Ten scholarships are available for students progressing on to a Royal Holloway undergraduate or postgraduate degree. Successful applicants can combine their scholarship with a 10% progression fee discount which is available to all progressing RHISC students.

Am I eligible?
  • International fee status
  • Currently studying International Foundation Year, International Year 1 or Pre-Masters Programme at RHISC
  • Classified as 'Green' or 'Amber' in the RHISC Academic Progression Report
  • Achieved at least 85% attendance during their time at RHISC
  • Self-funded
  • Hold a current offer to study any undergraduate or postgraduate degree at Royal Holloway.
How do I apply?

You must complete this application form, including a scholarship statement of up to 400 words. Your completed form must be emailed to as a word document.

We encourage you to read the guidelines below for information on what to include in your application. The deadline is midnight (UK time) on Tuesday 8 April. 

In your application, you will need to complete a scholarship statement of no more than 400 words. You must include: 

  • academic achievements you are particularly proud of and why these really matter to you
  • why you have chosen to do the degree you have applied for
  • what your future aspirations are and how the scholarship will help you to achieve your future goals.

Your application will be scored based on how effectively your statement answers the above and on your Academic Progression Report.

Applications which exceed the word count will automatically be rejected. 

Read our full terms and conditions.

For details of all our individual scholarships read our terms and conditions appendix.

If you have any queries please email 

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