Supporting the needs of schools and helping to inspire students
The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLC) is committed to working with schools and we are engaged in a broad range of outreach initiatives, from media work and online lectures to school visits and webinars. We regularly run Taster Days and events for prospective students, and at present we are working to develop online resources for schools.
We are a multi-disciplinary department in the School of Humanities, where we sit alongside the departments of Classics, English and History. We currently have around 38 academic and teaching staff who teach on our degrees in Modern Languages (French, German, Italian, Spanish), Translation Studies, Comparative Literature and Culture, Liberal Arts, and History of Art and Visual Culture. We also jointly deliver teaching for the Film Studies programme with colleagues from the Department of Media Arts.
Recent books published by our scholars cover literary and screen studies, the history of art, gender studies, critical theory and philosophy, and cultural history.
We are also home to the interdisciplinary Centre for Visual Cultures.
Resources for Schools, Students and Teachers
Please visit our page for Schools, Students and Teachers.
The page is in development and is designed to bring together a range of online resources for students of Modern Languages (French, German, Italian, Spanish), and covers aspects of language, literature, film, history and visual culture. Our interdisciplinary and comparative resources, reflecting our popular degrees in Comparative Literature and Culture, Liberal Arts and History of Art and Visual Culture, will also be of interest to students of English, Drama, Art, Film, History and other Humanities subject areas.
You will find examples of our media work, upcoming webinars, podcasts, information about collaborative exchange between lecturers and teachers, opportunities to contact experts for bespoke learning resources and materials, and LLC lecturers talking about their favourite course texts.
We welcome invitations to speak to both students and teachers, so do please get in touch! We are happy to give talks using different platforms and media.
Contact our admissions tutor Dr James Kent for more information - details above.
These pages are in development and being expanded regularly. You can also follow us @llc_rhul on Twitter for more updates.

Students participating in a masterclass run by the artist Neil Gall at the Centre for Visual Cultures