Created in 1968, the Department is celebrating its 50th anniversary; we are one of oldest computer science departments in the world.

Fifty years is a long time for a department of Computer Science. During this period, we have witnessed major advances in our discipline, to which we have made significant contributions.
During 2018, we will be organising a range of activities that celebrate not just the Department but Computer Science as a whole:
- January 13–14: Royal Hackaway, our first Hackathon organised by our student-led Computing Society
- March 4 – July 27: Fernando Orejas visits the Department supported by a Leverhulme Visiting Professorship
- March 26–28: the 34th British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science
- June 30 – July 1: the Leverhulme School on Graph Transformation Techniques
- July 2–5: the 24th Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques
- July 5–7: IFIP WG1.3 meeting
- July 23–27: the 37th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
- September – December: the Two Hundred Years of Becoming Digital exhibition
- October 6: official celebration – all alumni welcomed!