Displaying 71 to 80 of 82

EGOS Conference 2019 - Call for Papers
25 Sept 2018Sub-Theme 02 [SWG]: Revealing Obscured and Emerging Issues in Organizational Responsibilities Submissions of short papers: Now Closed

Chris Grey wins an AMLE Outstanding Reviewer Award
19 Jul 2018Congratulations to Professor Chris Grey who has won the revered AMLE Outstanding Reviewer Award.

CRIS Annual Sustainability Lecture 2018
26 Jun 2018In Conversation With Jason Lewis - explorer, author, and passionate voice for global sustainability.

Management's Rising Stars Winner 2018
25 Jun 2018Congratulations to our MSc International Management student Michelle Sharples who has won the `Rising Star in Healthcare' award.

Official Opening of the Placements Place
14 May 2018The one stop shop for all year in business, internship and work experience queries - the Placements Place - is now open in the School of Management!

University Business Challenge Semi-Finalists
14 May 2018Our team of four Marketing students reached the semi-finals after running a charity speed dating event which raised over £300 for a children's charity in South Africa.

Winners of the 2017 Cisco University Challenge
01 Nov 2017A team of Royal Holloway Computer Science undergraduate students won the 2107 Cisco University Challenge, which was held in 26th-27th Oct 2017.

Academy of Social Sciences inducts two Fellows from Royal Holloway
05 Apr 2017Two academics from Royal Holloway, University of London have today been conferred as Fellows in the Academy of Social Sciences.

Digital Organisation and Society formal launch
09 Mar 2017The formal launch of the new `Digital Organisation and Society’ theme group on 22nd February, brought together experts from across the School of Management.

World leading Accounting at the School of Management
02 Mar 2017Royal Holloway’s world-class expertise in accounting places an emphasis on a range of non-economic roles within organisations and society.